Erin Hennes
Associate Professor
111 McAlester Hall
Lab Information
Psychological Sciences, Harry S Truman School of Government and Public Affairs
About the Lab

Erin Hennes is the director of the Social Cognition of Social Change (SCSC) Laboratory located in the Department of Psychological Sciences and Harry S Truman School of Government and Public Affairs at the University of Missouri.

Research in the SCSC lab focuses on cognitive and motivated biases in information processing and person perception, particularly in the context of contemporary social issues such as environmental sustainability, and racial and gender inequality. Much of this research examines how concern for the maintenance of social stability and preferences for restorative vs. progressive change influence cognitive processes.

Translational research develops and examines the efficacy (and potential unintended consequences) of interventions that highlight status-quo injustices.

Hennes is also the director of the SuperPower Project, an NIH R01-funded interdisciplinary team committed to the development of new methods for supporting scientific best practice, with a focus on sample size determination.

Selected Publications

When planning is not enough: Fighting unhealthy snacking habits by mental contrasting with implementation intentions (MCII)
MA Adriaanse, G Oettingen, PM Gollwitzer, EP Hennes, DTD De Ridder, ...
European Journal of Social Psychology 40 (7), 1277-1293

Not all ideologies are created equal: Epistemic, existential, and relational needs predict system-justifying attitudes
EP Hennes, HH Nam, C Stern, JT Jost
Social Cognition 30 (6), 669-688

Belief in a just God (and a just society): A system justification perspective on religious ideology.
JT Jost, CB Hawkins, BA Nosek, EP Hennes, C Stern, SD Gosling, ...
Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 34 (1), 56

Power struggles: Estimating sample size for multilevel relationships research
SP Lane, EP Hennes
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 35 (1), 7-31

Motivated recall in the service of the economic system: The case of anthropogenic climate change.
EP Hennes, BC Ruisch, I Feygina, CA Monteiro, JT Jost
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145 (6), 755-771

Ideology and the limits of self-interest: System justification motivation and conservative advantages in mass politics
JT Jost, M Langer, V Badaan, F Azevedo, E Etchezahar, J Ungaretti, ...
Translational Issues in Psychological Science 3 (3), e1-e26

"Hot” political cognition: Its self-, group-, and system-serving purposes
JT Jost, EP Hennes, H Lavine
Oxford handbook of social cognition, 851-875

Addressing unintended consequences of gender diversity interventions on women's sense of belonging in STEM
ES Pietri, EP Hennes, JF Dovidio, VL Brescoll, AH Bailey, ...
Sex Roles 80 (9-10), 527-547

Reducing STEM gender bias with VIDS (Video Interventions for Diversity in STEM)
CA Moss-Racusin, ES Pietri, EP Hennes, JF Dovidio, VL Brescoll, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 24 (2), 236-260

Can a psychological theory of ideological differences explain contextual variability in the contents of political attitudes?
JT Jost, M Krochik, D Gaucher, EP Hennes
Psychological Inquiry 20 (2-3), 183-188

Cultural evolution of normative motivations for sustainable behaviour
T Davis, EP Hennes, L Raymond
Nature Sustainability 1 (5), 218-224

Increasing the perceived malleability of gender bias using a modified video intervention for diversity in STEM (VIDS)
EP Hennes, ES Pietri, CA Moss-Racusin, KA Mason, JF Dovidio, ...
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 21 (5), 788-809

A Goldilocks critique of the hot cognition perspective on climate change skepticism
EP Hennes, T Kim, LJ Remache
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 34, 142-147

Social protest and its discontents: A system justification perspective
V Badaan, JT Jost, D Osborne, C Sibley, J Ungaretti, E Etchezahar, ...
Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest 6 (1), 1-22

Conducting sensitivity analyses to identify and buffer power vulnerabilities in studies examining substance use over time
SP Lane, EP Hennes
Addictive Behaviors 94, 117-123

Understanding invasive plant management on family forestlands: An application of protection motivation theory
M Clarke, Z Ma, S Snyder, EP Hennes
Journal of Environmental Management 286

Creencia en un Dios justo: la religión como una forma de justificación del sistema
JT Jost, CB Hawkins, BA Nosek, EP Hennes, C Stern, SD Gosling, ...
Psicología Política, 55-89

Does climate change framing matter? Evidence from an experiment of crop advisors in the Midwestern United States
AS Singh, S Church, L Dang, EP Hennes, LS Prokopy
Climatic Change 162, 1031-1044

Norm-based governance for severe collective action problems: Lessons from climate change and COVID-19
LS Raymond, D Kelly, EP Hennes
Perspectives on Politics

Stereotype threat among Black men following exposure to rap music
S Howard, EP Hennes, SR Sommers
Social Psychological and Personality Science 12 (5), 719-730

System-level biases in the production and consumption of information: Implications for system resilience and radical change
EP Hennes, AJ Hampton, E Ozgumus, TJ Hamori
Belief systems and perceptions of reality, 29-43

The devil we know: Legal precedent and the preservation of injustice
EP Hennes, L Dang
Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1), 76-83

The mind of the climate change skeptic
JT Jost, EP Hennes
APS Observer 26 (4)

Classification of undergraduate psychology programs as STEM: An overview of benefits and guidance for department heads and program directors
EP Hennes, L Dang, C Legin-Bucell …

A user-centered decision-aiding process for selecting power analysis tools
YH Hung, JY Choi, MA Willis, RW Proctor, EP Hennes, SP Lane
Proceedings of the HFES Annual Meeting 64, 2056-2060

Conducting power analyses for studies examining alcohol use over time
SP Lane, EP Hennes
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 41 (Supplement S1), 306A