Spencer Upton

"If you are interested in learning and developing skills in addiction neuroscience and quantitative methodology, then Mizzou's psychology department is the place for you. " - Cognition & Neuroscience Graduate Student Spencer Upton

Applicants are judged on the total strength of their admissions package.  There is no one factor or variable that determines an admission decision.  

  • Grades: The median undergraduate GPA of students admitted for Fall 2024 matriculation was 3.7 with a range of 3.1 to 4.0.
  • Test Scores:  GRE scores (general or psychology subject) are not required in the application.  Applicants may choose to include scores.  We do not have a minimum GRE score required for admission.  For Fall 2024 matriculation 22 of 242 applicants chose to include GRE scores.
  • Fit: Greater consideration is given to applicants who have research interests that match our faculty members' ongoing research programs.  The required personal statement should clearly demonstrate this research fit to our program.
  • Academic Character: The letters of recommendation, writing sample and personal statement help faculty to gauge an applicant's academic and research experiences.  Applicants are allowed to include additional information (e.g., a personal history) to help faculty members understand strengths and potential for success in graduate school.

For Fall 2024 matriculation, 242 students applied to our program. There were 170 applications to the Clinical area, Cognition and Neuroscience received 21 applications, Developmental 17, Quantitative 6, and Social/Personality received 28. A total of 24 applicants were offered admission. Of those offered admission, 18 applicants accepted our offer to join the program.


Many questions you might have about our program and your application can be answered in our Graduate Program FAQ or by contacting our Director of Graduate Studies, Dennis Miller (millerden@missouri.edu).