Joining a psychology-related organization can deepen your knowledge on the subject. Additionally, you’ll hone your soft skills and develop beneficial networking connections with fellow students that may serve you well into your professional career.

Association of Black Psychologists
The Association of Black Psychologists- MU strives to promote the well being of Black Psychologists and the black community and to advance the profession of African Psychology. However, ABPsi is open to all people and all majors. Topics discussed include but are not limited to, minority representation in Psychology, social justice issues, careers in Psychology, educational paths in Psychology and more! If you are interested in learning about Psychology while networking, then this is the org for you!
Meetings are now bi-weekly in student center 2206 at 6:30. Click here to go to the Mizzou ABPsi website.

Psi Chi / Psychology Club
Psi Chi / Psychology Club is a student organization that is open to all undergraduate students who are interested in psychology. Some of their activities include: bringing in guest speakers (graduate students, faculty members, psychologists, hypnotists), keeping an email distribution list for members, helping with community service projects, learning about research opportunities available to students, and planning fun social events and field trips. It’s a great way to get connected with our department and other undergraduate students interested in psychology. All are welcome to join!
Any student can be a part of our group, but those that also meet the requirements to join the Psi Chi National Honor Society will apply to join the honors society.
Click here to go to the Mizzou Psi Chi / Psychology club website or click here to go to the Facebook page.. If you have any questions, please contact the Psi Chi/Psych Club officers at