B.A. University of California, Berkeley
M.A. and Ph.D. SUNY-Binghamton
Postdoctoral Research Position, University of York, U.K.
Postdoctora Research Position, University of Rochester Medical Center
My primary specialization is information processing in animals. Much of my work has been aimed at differentiating the processes of acquisition, retention, and retrieval of information as causes of test performance deficits. Relatedly, my research interests concern understanding the mechanisms by which processing and behavioral control by a target event are influenced by treatments involving nontarget cues. I am also currently engaged in research examining learning and memory deficits in Alzheimer's disease. Moreover, I am working on collaborative projects involving research with human subjects on the competition between cues using an Eriksen flanker task, competition between cues during judgments of causal attribution, and the influences of intrinsic motivation.
Publications 2011-present (* = graduate student; ** = undergraduate student when the reseearch was conducted):
Cofresí, R.U., Piasecki, T.M. Bartholow, B.D., & Schachtman, T.R. (in press). Enhanced conditioned “liking” of novel visual cues paired with alcohol or non-alcohol beverage container images among individuals with higher risk for alcohol use disorder. Psychopharmacology.
Schachtman, T.R., & Calton, J.L. (2022). Opponent-process theory predicts cues influence drug responses, pain, and opioid abuse. Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy, 13, 3.
Gann*, C.L., Michener*, P.N., Carney**, S., & Schachtman, T.R. (2021). Effects of Non-lyrical Music on Working Memory. North American Journal of Psychology, 243-253.
Richardson*, R.A., Michener*, P.N., Gann*, C.L., Womack**, A., Ghinescu, R., & Schachtman, T.R. (2021). Potentiation of performance in an Eriksen flanker task. Learning & Motivation, 73, Article 101704. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lmot.2020.101704
Agca, C., Klakotskaia*, D., Stopa, E.G., Schachtman, T.R., & Agca, Y. (2020). Ovariectromy influences cognition and markers of Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease,73. 529-541. [Listed as “Editor’s Choice” for the journal]
Richardson*, R.A., Michener*, P.N.., Gann*, C., North**, I.M., & Schachtman, T.R. (2020). Summation and retardation test performance following extinction or Pavlovian conditioned inhibition training. Learning & Motivation, 71, 101642.
Kelty*, T., Xuansong*, M., Grisby, K.B., Childs, T.E., Olver, T.D., Roberts, C.K., Michener*, P.N., Richardson*, R.A., Schachtman, T.R., & Booth, F.W. (2019). Reistance-exercise training by ladder climbing ameliorates LPS-induced cognitive impairment concurrent with molecular signaling changes in the rat dentate gyrus. Journal of Applied Physiology, 127, 254-256.
Klakotskaia*, D., Agca, C., Richardson*, R.A., Stopa, E.G., Schachtman, T.R., & Agca, Y. (2018). Memory deficiency, cerebral amyoid angiopathy and amyloid-beta plaques in APP+PS1 double transgenic rat model of Alzheimer's disease. PlosOne. https://doi.org/10.1371/jounral.pone.0195469
Clark*, K.M., Hardman*, K., Schachtman, T.R., Saults, J.S., Glass, B.A.., & Cowan, N. (2018). Development of working memory for tone frequency: capacity and precision. Developmental Psychology, 54, 663-674.
Richardson*, R.A., Michener*, P.N., & Schachtman, T.R. (2018). Effecgts of extinction of a competing, nontarget CS on performance to a target CS. Behavioural Processes, 154, 13-20.
Schachtman, T.R., Richardson*, R.A., & Michener*, P.N. (2018). Interactions between CSs during attenuation of neophobia. In S. Reilly (Ed.), Food neophobia: Behavioral and biological influences (pp. 43-58). Elsevier: Amsterdam.
Schachtman, T.R., Escobar, M., & Blaisdell, A. (2018). Ralph Miller. In J. Vonk & T. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of animal cognition and behavior. Section Editor: Oskar Pineno. New York: Springer.
Olver, T.D., McDonald, M.W., Klakotskaia*, D., Richardson*, R.A.,....Laughlin, M.H. (2017). A chronic physical activity treatment in obese rats normalizes the contributions of ET-1 and NO to insulin-mediated posterior cerebral artery vasodilation. Journal of Applied Physiology, 122, 1040-1050.
Klakotskaia*, D., Richardson*, R.A., Michener, P.N., & Schachtman, T.R. (2017). Effects of a retention interval on blocking by a latent inhibitior. Learning & Motivation, 63, 27-36.
Olver, T.D., Hiemstra, J., Edwards*, J.C., Schachtman, T.R., Heesch, C.M., Fadel, P.J., Laughlin, M.H., & Emter, C.A. (2017). The loss of female sex hormones exacerbates cerebrovascular and cognitive dysfunction in aortic banded mini-swine through a NPY-BKCa-NO mediated mechanism. J. American Heart Assoc., 6, e007409.
Christoffersen, G.R.J., Laugesen*, J.L., Moller, P., Bredie, W.L.P., Schachtman, T.R., Liljendahl*, C., & Emter, C.A. (2017). Long-term visuo-gustatory appetitive and aversive conditioning poteniates human visual evoked potentials. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 21.
Tapia**, M., Meyer**, K., Richardson*, R., Ghinescu, R., & Schachtman, T.R. (2016). Blocking of learned irrelevance using an Eriksen flanker task. Experimental Psychology, 63, 287-296.
Li*, Y., Liu. R., & Schachtman, T.R. (2016). Cultural differences in revaluative attributions. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47, 149-166.
Christoffersen, G.R.J., & Schachtman, T.R. (2016). Electrophysiological CNS-processes related to associative learning in humans. Behavioural Brain Research, 296, 211-232.
Olver, T.D., Klakotskaia*, D., Ferguson, B.S., Hiemstra**, J.A., Schachtman, T.R. Laughlin, M. H., & Emter, C.A. (2016). Carotid artery vascular mechanics serve as biomarkers of cognitive dysfunction in aortic-banded miniature swine that can be treated with an exercise intervention. Journal of the American Heart Association. 5, 1-11.
Agca, C., Klakotskaia*, D., Schachtman, T.R., Chan, A.W., Lah, J.J., & Agca, Y. (2016). Presenilin 1 transgene addition to amyloid precursor protein overexpressing transgenic rats increases amyloid beta 42 levels and results in loss of memory retention. Biomed Central: Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1186/s12868-016-0281-8
Ghinescu*, R., Schachtman, T.R., Ramsey*, A.K., Gratton, G., Fabiani, M. (2016). Cue competition during implicit learning in an Eriksen flanker task. PLoS One. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0167119.
Schachtman, T.R., Klakotskaia*, D., Walker*, J.M., & Hill, A.J. (2016). Psychological factors in food aversion, nausea, and vomiting during pregnancy. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 4, 677-689.
Walker*, J.M., Klakotskaia*, D., Ajit, D., Weisman, G.A., Wood, G., Sun G., Y., Serfozo, P., Simonyi, A., & Schachtman, T.R. (2015). Beneficial effects of dietary EGCG and voluntary exercise on behavior in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 44(2), 561-572.
Hecht*, P., Will, M., Schachtman, T., Welby*, L., & Beversdorf, D. (2014). Effect of beta-adrenergic antagonist on a novel cognitive flexibility task in rodents. Behavioural Brain Research, 260, 148-154.
Fowler*, S.W., Walker*, J.M., Klakotskaia*, D., Will, M., Simonyi, A., & Schachtman, T.R. (2013). Effects of a mGluR5 positive allosteric modulator, CDPPB, on spatial learning in rats. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 99, 25-31.
Viemose*, I., Moller, P., Laugesen*, J.L., Schachtman, T.R., Manoharan*, T., & Christoffersen, G.R.J. (2013). Appetitive long-term taste conditioning modulates human visual evoked potentials. Behavioural Brain Research, 253, 1-8.
Klakotskaia*, D., Ramsey*, A., Fowler*, S., Serfozo, P., Schachtman, T.R., & Simonyi, A. (2013). Effects of group II and group III metabotropic glutamate receptors on conditioned taste aversion. Behavioural Brain Research, 253, 9-16.
Sheldon, K.M., Gunz*, A., & Schachtman, T.R. (2012). What does it mean to be in touch with oneself? Testing a ‘social character’ model of self-congruence. Self and Identity, 11, 51-70.
Walker*, J.M., Ramsey*, A.K., Fowler*, S.W., & Schachtman, T.R. (2012). Effects of swim stress on the attenuation of neophobia and slow reacquisition. Psychological Record, 62, 295-306.
Fowler*, S., Ramsey*, A., Walker*, J.M., Serfozo, P., Olive, F., Simonyi, A., & Schachtman, T.R. (2011). Effects of CDPPB, a mGluR5 positive allosteric modulator, on conditioned taste aversion. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 95, 73-79.
Walker*, J.M., Fowler*, S.W., Miller, D.M., Sun, G.Y., Sun, A.Y., Wood, W.G., Simonyi, A., & Schachtman, T.R. (2011). Spatial learning and locomotion in TgCRND mice, a murine model of Alzheimer’s disease. Behavioural Brain Research, 222, 169-175.
Schachtman, T.R., & Reilly, S. (Eds). (2011). Conditioning and Animal Learning: Human and Non-Human Applications. New York: Oxford University Press.
Schachtman, T.R., Walker*, J., & Fowler*, S. (2011). Conditioning and advertising. In T.R. Schachtman & S. Reilly (Eds.), Conditioning and Animal Learning: Human and Non-Human Applications (481-506). New York: Oxford University Press.
Schachtman, T.R., & Reilly, S. (2011). Things you always wanted to know about conditioning but were afraid to ask. In T.R. Schachtman & S. Reilly (Eds.), Conditioning and Animal Learning: Human and Non-Human Applications (pp. 3-23). Oxford University Press.
Clausen*, B., Schachtman, T., Mark*, L.T., Reinholdt*, M., & Christoffersen, G.R.J. (2011). Impairments of exploration and memory after systemic or prelimbic D1-receptor antagonism in rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 223, 241-254.
Jasarevic*, E., Sieli*, P.T., Twellman, E.E., Welsh, T.H., Jr., Schachtman, T.R., Roberts, R.M., Geary, D.C., & Rosenfeld, C.S. (2011). Disruption of adult expression of sexually selected traits by early exposure to Bisphenol A. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 108, 11715-11720.