My research falls into two overlapping areas that are informed and shaped by my interests and those of my graduate students.
Most of my time at present is spent on work addressing training and service delivery in health service psychology (HSP). My colleagues, graduate students, and I have pursued several projects, including (1) mental health concerns and financial stress among clinical psychology doctoral students (nationwide, do our graduate students have significant mental health concerns, life and financial stress? Are minoritized and marginalized students differentially impacted?); (2) the path to licensure in health service psychology (how does the current licensure exam process impact access to a well-trained and diverse, representative workforce in HSP? How can the exam process be evaluated and modified to improve this access?) and (3) clinician training and client outcomes of evidence-based services provided in our clinical program’s Psychological Services Clinic (MU PSC). The MU PSC’s services include grant-funded programs for adults and youth coping with COVID-related distress, rural citizens coping with farm/ranch-related stressors, and youth receiving evidence-based assessment and intervention – our work here addresses questions about who is utilizing our services (are services accessible and acceptable to traditionally underserved individuals and families? Are services effective?). Recent projects have also addressed cultural adaptations of evidence-based interventions (e.g., CBT for insomnia, minority stress interventions) for individuals with marginalized racial or LBGTQ+ identities. Together, these projects help to inform the scientific literature, policies, and best practices in graduate education and training and in clinical service delivery.
Second, several projects in my lab examine youth’s emotional adjustment, focusing mostly on relations of social-cognitive processing and emotion regulation to anxiety and depression. In several projects, we have examined a socioaffective model of youth anxiety and depression and have developed and validated measures of social information processing relevant to youths’ internalizing experiences. We began this work with pre- and young adolescents and are extending it to younger youth and emerging adults. We also focus on emotion regulation, specifically the regulation of positive emotions. Our lab has test both a conceptual model and newly developed measures of regulation of positive emotions. We have several projects that examine relations among youths and young adults’ affect, social-cognitive processing, emotion regulation, and symptoms of depression and anxiety, both cross-sectionally and longitudinally, and with samples from the US and other countries. This work can inform theories of emotional development and internalizing disorders, as well as interventions, such as positivity-based prevention programs, for depression and anxiety. Recently, we have also integrated this work with our work on cultural adaptations of theories and interventions for emotional adjustment.
My primary professional interest is doctoral education in psychology. Before becoming Chair of Psychological Sciences, I served for nearly 25 years as Director of Clinical Training for the MU clinical psychology doctoral program and Executive Director of the MU Psychological Services Clinic (http://psychology.missouri.edu/clinic, which serves as the training program for the doctoral program and clinical psychology and the umbrella organization for our Center for Evidence-Based Youth Mental Health. In these roles, I was proud to part of outstanding education of our graduate students in clinical science research and evidence-based clinical practice, as well as part of our program’s strong contributions to the scientific literature and evidence-based services delivery in the community. I continue much of this work through my research and scholarship.
Beyond Mizzou, I continue to be highly involved in the national landscape of education and training in health service psychology, including:
- Education and Training in Professional Psychology journal (Editor, 2019-2024; Incoming Editor, 2018; Associate Editor on founding Editorial Board, 2006-2013)
- Council of Chairs of Training Councils, Chair, 2019-2021 (umbrella organization for health service psychology doctoral, internship, and post-doctoral training councils and training and education stakeholders across the US and Canada)
- Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology (member of various committees and Board of Directors, Associate Chair, and Chair (2018-2019), liaison to the Council of Chairs of Training Councils, APA’s Board of Educational Affairs)
- APA Commission on Accreditation (as a site visitor, Commissioner, Associate Chair, Chair)
- Academy of Psychological Clinical Psychology (various committees)
- Academic Training symposia and committees for the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
(stuent co-authors indicated with *)
Professional Training Issues
Bell, D. J., Foster, S. L., & Cone, J. D. (2020). Dissertations and Theses from Start to Finish, 3rd Edition. Washington, Dc: APA Press. https://doi.org/10.1037/0000161-000
Grassetti, S. N., Soto, J. A., Bridges, A. J., Bell, D. J. (in press). Introduction to the special issue on training and educating antiracist psychologists: What are we doing and where do we go from here? Traning and Education in Professional Psychology.
*Szkody, E., *Hobaica, S., *Owens, S., *Boland, J., Washburn, J., & Bell, D. (2023). Financial stress and debt in clinical psychology doctoral students. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 79, 835–853. https://doi.org/10.1002/jclp.23451
*Hobaica, S., *Szkody, E., *Owens, S., *Boland, J., Washburn, J., & Bell, D. (2021). Mental Health Concerns and Barriers to Care Among Future Health Service Psychologists. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 77, 2473-2490. https://doi.org/10.1002/jclp.23198
*Sheerin, K., *Tugendrajch, S., Presser, N., & Bell, D. (2021). Implementing Skills for Psychological Recovery at a psychology training clinic during COVID-19. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 28, 507-518. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpra.2021.03.001
Callahan, J. L., Bell, D. J., Davila, J., Johnson, S. L., Strauman, T. J., & Yee, C. M. (2021). Inviting ASPPB to Address Systemic Racism: Reply to Turner et al. (2021). American Psychologist. 76(1), 167–168. https://doi.org/10.1037/amp0000801
Callahan, J. L., Bell, D. J., Davila, J., Johnson, S. L., Strauman, T. J., & Yee, C. M. (2020). The enhanced examination for professional practice in psychology: A viable approach? American Psychologist, 75, 52–65. https://doi.org/10.1037/amp0000586
Hames, J. J., Bell, D. J., Perez-Lima, L. M., Holm-Denoma, J. M., Rooney, T., Charles, N. E., Thompson, S. M., Mehlenbeck, R. S., Tawfik, S. H., Fondacaro, K. M., Simmons, K. T., & Hoersting, R. C., (2020). Navigating uncharted waters: Considerations for training clinics in the rapid transition to telepsychology and telesupervision during COVID-19. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 30, 348-365. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/int0000224
Bell, D. J., & McCutcheon, S. R. (2020). Moving the needle to promote education and training in substance use disorders and addictions: Special issue introduction. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 14, 1-3. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/tep0000305
Bell, D. J., Self, M. M., Davis, III, Cl, Conway, F., Washburn, J. J., & Crepeau-Hobson (2020). Health service psychology education and training in the time of COVID-19: Challenges and opportunities. American Psychologist, 75, 919-932. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/amp0000673.
Bell, D. J., Burnes, T. R., Callahan, J. L., Crowley, S. L., Frierson, G. M., & McCutcheon, S. R. (2019). Next steps for training and education in professional psychology: Advancing the science and
expanding our reach. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 13, 1-3.
Roberts, M. C., & Bell, D. J. (2018). Editorial statement on censorship of terminology or concepts. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 12, 1.
Bell, D., Bieschke, K., Zlotlow, S., Paternite, C., Illfelder-Kaye, J., McCutcheon, S., Knauss, L., Klonoff, E., & Wall, J. (2017). New Standards of Accreditation in Health Service Psychology: Rationale, Opportunities, and Challenges. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 11, 207-218.
*Hausman, E. M., *Quetsch, L. B., *Luebbe, A., *Martin, E., & Bell, D. J. (2017). Public Disclosure by Accredited Doctoral Programs: Prospective Applicants' Views on Clarity, Helpfulness, and Sufficiency of Information to Make Application Decisions. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 11, 100-107.
Bell, D. J., & *Hausman, E. (2014). Training Models in Professional Psychology Doctoral Programs. In B. Johnson & N. Kaslow (Eds), The Oxford Handbook of Education and Training in Professional Psychology.
Bieschke, K. L., Bell, D. J., Davis, C., Hatcher, R., Peterson, R., & Rodolfa, E. (2011). Forests, grazing areas, water supplies, and the internship imbalance problem: Redefining the paradigm to implement effective change. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 5, 123-125.
Bieschke, K., Bell, D., Davis, C., Hatcher, R., Peterson, R., & Rodolfa, E. (2009). Establishing and assessing core competencies in professional psychology: A call to action. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 3, S1-S4.
Bell, D. J. (2009). Balancing breadth and specialized training in doctoral education: (How) can we do it better? Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 16, 364-369.
Youth Anxiety, Depression, & Adjustment
*Irvin, K., Bell, D., Steinley, D., & Bartholow, B. (2022). The thrill of victory: Savoring positive affect, psychophysiological reward processing, and symptoms of depression. Emotion, 22, 1281-1293. https://doi.org/10.1037/emo0000914
*Bernardin, C., Lewis, T., Bell, D., & Kanne, S. (2021). Associations Between Social Camouflaging and Internalizing Symptoms in Autistic and Non-Autistic Adolescents. Autism. https://doi.org/10.1177/1362361321997284
*Berry, J. R. & Bell, D. J. (2020). Children's Evaluation of Everyday Social Encounters Questionnaire: Short Form Validation. Psychological Assessment. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/pas0000974
*Irvin, K., Bartholow, B., & Bell, D. (2019). Hedonic processing and depression: A joint ERP and behavioral study. Psychophysiology, 57, S41-S41. [published abstract]
*Irvin, K., Bartholow, B., & Bell, D. (2019). The thrill of victory: Savoring positive affect, the reward positivity, and symptoms of depression. Psychophysiology, 56, S104-S104. [published abstract]
*Mancini, K. J., *Luebbe, A. M., & Bell, D. J. (2016). Valence-specific emotion transmission: Potential influences on parent-adolescent emotion co-regulation. Emotion. 16, 567-574. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/emo0000160.
*Fussner, L.M.; *Luebbe, A. M., & Bell, D. J. (2015). Dynamics of positive emotion regulation: Associations with youth depressive symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 43,475-488. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10802-014-9916-3.
*Luebbe, A. M., & Bell, D. J. (2014). Positive and Negative Family Emotional Climate Differentially Predict Youth Anxiety and Depression via Distinct Affective Pathways. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 42, 897-911. DOI 10.1007/s10802-013-9838-5
*Allwood, M.A., *Baetz, C., *DeMarco, S., & Bell, D. J. (2013). Depressive symptoms, including lack of future orientation, as mediators in the relationship between adverse life events and delinquent behaviors. In P. Kerig (Ed), Trauma and Juvenile Delinquency: New Directions in Research and Intervention. London: Taylor and Francis.
*Luebbe, A. M., Fussner, L. M., *Kiel, E.J., *Early, M. C., & Bell, D. J. (2013). Role of adolescent and maternal depressive symptoms on transactional emotion recognition: Context and state affect matter. Emotion, 13, 1160-1172.
*Allwood, M.A., *Baetz, C., *DeMarco, S., & Bell, D. J. (2012). Depressive symptoms, including lack of future orientation, as mediators in the relationship between adverse life events and delinquent behaviors. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 5, 1-15.
*Allwood, M.A., Bell, D. J., & *Horan, J. C. (2011). Posttrauma numbing of fear, detachment, and arousal predict delinquent behaviors in early adolescence. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 40, 659-667.
*Luebbe, A. M., Bell, D., Allwood, M., Swenson, L. & Early, M. (2010). Social information processing in children: Specific relations to anxiety, depression, and affect. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 39, 386-399.
Bell, D. J., *Luebbe, A., M., *Swenson, L., P., & *Allwood, M. A. (2009). Children’s Social Information Processing: Comprehensive Assessment and Relation to Internalizing Problems. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 38, 705-720.