Clinical Psychology

***Applicants for the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program should check the Clinical Faculty Mentors page for a list of faculty who will be accepting students for the fall 2025 admission class.***

Clinical science is defined as "a psychological science directed at the promotion of adaptive functioning; at the assessment, understanding, amelioration, and prevention of human problems in behavior, affect, cognition, or health; and at the application of knowledge in ways consistent with scientific evidence."

In particular, MU's Clinical Training Ph.D. program is designed to provide

  1. Training in the major substantive areas and methodology of the science of psychology,
  2. Intensive training in the subject matter of clinical psychology as well as in empirically supported assessment and intervention approaches,
  3. Research competence and background in theoretical and applied problem areas of clinical psychology, and
  4. A clinical scientist orientation that embraces both an appreciation of and a commitment to advancing clinical psychology as a science.
Lab Director Location
Alcohol Cognitions Lab Denis M. McCarthy 124F Psychology Bldg
Clinical Neuropsychology Lab

Research in the CNL lab focuses on neurologic and cognitive processes in children and adults with neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism and phenylketonuria (PKU). Methods utilized include behavioral measures, patient-reported outcomes, and neuroimaging techniques (fMRI, sMRI, DTI).

Shawn E. Christ 470 McReynolds Hall
Gene-Brain-Behavior Relations Lab

Research in the lab focuses on genetic contributions to the development of externalizing spectrum disorders such as substance dependence, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and antisocial behavior.

Ian Gizer
Health Intervention and Treatment (HIT) Lab Mary Beth Miller
HEART for Youth Lab

Helping Improve Efficacy and Access to Research-Supported Treatments (HEART) for Youth

Kristin M. Hawley 317 Psychology Building Donte Bernard
Personality and Emotion Laboratory Timothy Trull 219 Psychology Building
React Lab Sean Lane Psychology Building 221/222

Clinical Psychology Faculty

Department Chair, Professor
210 McAlester Hall
Assistant Professor
204D McAlester Hall
Associate Professor
116B McAlester Hall
214 McAlester Hall
Associate Professor
109 McAlester Hall
204C McAlester Hall
104 McAlester Hall
Associate Professor
110 McAlester Hall
Curators’ Distinguished Professor and Byler Distinguished Professor of Psychological Sciences
106C McAlester