The psychological and neural basis of cognitive and emotional control, factors that diminish control such as substance use, and the role of poor control in psychopathology such as psychosis risk.
I am accepting graduate students for fall 2025.
Hua, J. P. Y., Karcher, N. R., Straub, K. T., & Kerns, J. G. (2022). Associations between long-term psychosis risk, probabilistic category learning, and attenuated psychotic symptoms with cortical surface morphometry. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 16, 91-106.
Hua, J. P. Y., de Lange, S. C., van den Heuvel, M. P., Boness, C. L., Trela, C. J., McDowell, Y. E., Merrill, A. M., Piasecki, T. M., Sher, K. J., & Kerns, J. G. (2022). Alcohol use in emerging adults associated with lower rich-club connectivity and connectome network disorganization. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 230: 109198.
Straub, K. T., & Kerns, J. G. (2021). Positive schizotypy, maladaptive openness, and openness facets. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 12, 51-58.
Hua, J. P. Y., Trull, T. J., Merrill, A. M., Tidwell, E. A., & Kerns, J. G. (2021). Functional connectivity between the ventral anterior cingulate and amygdala during implicit emotional conflict regulation and daily-life emotion dysregulation. Neuropsychologia, 158, 107905.
Hua, J. P. Y., Trull, T. J., Merrill, A. M., Myers, O. T. T., Straub, K. T., & Kerns, J. G. (2021). Daily-life negative affect in emotional distress disorders associated with altered frontoinsular emotion regulation activation and cortical gyrification. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 45, 1-18.
Straub, K. T., Hua, J. P. Y., Karcher, N. R., & Kerns, J. G. (2020). Psychosis risk is associated with decreased white matter integrity in limbic network corticostriatal tracts. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 301: 111089.
Hua, J. P. Y., Piasecki, T. M., McDowell, Y. E., Boness, C. L., Trela, C. J., Merrill, A. M., Sher, K. J., & Kerns, J. G. (2020). Alcohol use in young adults associated with cortical gyrification. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 209, 107925.
Hua, J. P. Y., Sher, K. J., Boness, C. L., Trela, C. J., McDowell, Y. E., Merrill, A. M., Piasecki, T. M., & Kerns, J. G. (2020). Prospective study examining the effects of extreme drinking on brain structure in emerging adults. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 44, 2200-2211.
Hua, J. P. Y., Trull, T. J., Merrill, A. M., McCarty, R. M., Straub, K. T., & Kerns, J. G. (2020). Daily-life affective instability in emotional distress disorders is associated with function and structure of posterior parietal cortex. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 296, 111028.
Karcher, N. R., Hua, J. P. Y., & Kerns, J. G. (2019). Striatum-related functional activation during reward- and punishment-based learning in psychosis risk. Neuropsychopharmacology, 44, 1967-1974.
Hua, J. P. Y., Karcher, N. R., Merrill, A. M., O’Brien, K. J., Straub, K. T., Trull, T. J., & Kerns, J. G. (2019). Psychosis risk is associated with decreased resting-state functional connectivity between the striatum and the default mode network. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 19, 998-1011.
Karcher, N. R., Hua, J. P. Y., & Kerns, J. G. (2019). Probabilistic category learning and striatal functional activation in psychosis risk. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 45, 396-404.